Posts by Dr. Tom Moorcroft

Physical Distancing and Flattening the Curve

With the exponential spread of the novel Coronavirus, we’ve seen widespread Social Distancing measures put in place in order to “Flatten the Curve.”

So what is Social Distancing? What does it mean to Flatten the Curve? And, most importantly, do these measures work?

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Hand Washing 101

The number 1 thing we can do to protect ourselves from Coronavirus (at least the #1 thing we know at this time) is to wash our hands for at least 20 second with soap and water. If this isn’t possible, we should wash our hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that has at least 60%…
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Coronavirus FAQs

As awareness of the new Coronavirus spreads, there’s been a lot of fear and panic, mostly due to misinformation. Here’s a list of the most common questions I have received about the Coronavirus. Fight fear with facts. Be Proactive, Not Panicked – Dr. Tom Is the Coronavirus spread from person to person? Yes, the Coronavirus…
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Coronavirus COVID-19 Update

Coronavirus COVID-19 & Tips to Stay Safe during the Pandemic In January of this year, I was interviewed about how concerned we should all be about the emerging Coronavirus in an article called How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus. Back then my recommendation was to remain calm and watch how things develop. At that time,…
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Bartonella – A cause of PANS?

Infection with Bartonella has sparked a ton of controversy in the medical community. Most people know Bartonella henselae as the causative agent of cat scratch disease. In medical school, we’re taught that this disease is usually mild and self-limiting. It rarely needs treatment unless you’re quite unlucky or you are immunocompromised. So basically, for most…
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